Test for colon cancer without colonoscopy Fortunately for those who are afraid to take a colonoscopy, there are other ways to test for colon cancer in Boca Raton. Some alternatives to colonoscopy are: Stool-based tests, like FIT, FOBT and stool DNA, don’t require any special preparation, although your physician may recommend you to limit or remove some foods. They are cheap or mid-range, and insurances usually cover them. You should take them yearly or every three years, depending on the specific test. As a final note, keep in mind that colonoscopy is still the gold standard for colorectal cancer detection. It’s the most accurate way to detect polyps, given that the optical device in the colonoscope can detect abnormalities in a much more precise way than stool samples or X-ray images. In the end, the final decision for which test for colon cancer you’ll take will depend on factors like economy, age and health conditions. You should discuss the possibilities with your colorectal surgeon to find the one that is better for you. Contact the Institute of Health & Wellness for more information on a test for colon cancer in Boca Raton. Request an appointment by phone at 772-539-9556 |
Test of colon cancer in Boca Raton